
  • When the hero is knocked out, he won’t get a concussion or brain damage. People hit on the head will not throw up.
  • When a hero gets a bloody nose, he’ll stop bleeding almost immediately.
  • When a hero suffers through car chases and crashes, he never has to worry about unfelt spinal injury from impact.
  • A slight blow to the head is usually enough to cause total amnesia
  • Characters that get shot will never go into shock.
  • The hero will always get shot in the shoulder, yet will be able to use his arm.
  • Some sort of facial scar is likely to make you go insane and seek revenge for the rest of your life.
  • A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating but will wince in agony when a woman tries to clean his wounds.
  • If you lose a hand, it causes the stump of your arm to grow by six inches.
  • A lost hand either comes crawling back, or a mad surgeon will replace it with one transplanted from an executed strangler.
  • If a person gets shot they have plenty of time to tell all kinds of things except the most important information (like the name of the murderer).
  • Anytime anybody picks up pieces of a broken glass they will ALWAYS cut their finger. They will also always suck their breath in through their teeth and stick the injured finger in their mouth.
  • A person shot to death will immediately do just that – die. Their bodies do not flop and jerk around for a few minutes as the muscles contract involuntarily and sporadically as the brain dies a slow electro-chemical death (as with real gun-shot deaths).

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